Thursday, September 27, 2007

shorts log day 8 -- coming to termz with language

star date inherently unknowable:

I've been having a hard time understanding my alien ship mates.

This is understandable because they have been bending our existing language for their needs, often to the point of breaking it, or adding new words to it that fit like a white wedding dress on a pig. Okay, maybe the dress would fit the pig, but would you want to put it on the pig unless you wanted the mud to symbolize your carefree days of hedonism before settling down to a steady stream of the goofy quirks of the same person that were so damn funny at first but now cause your stomach to clench up and those thoughts of murder to move to the front of the queue in your brain that was once organized into a nice, clean queue before the quirks began to torture and tease it into anarchy.

But, I digress.

Here's some translations of some of the alien speak I have heard lately:

  • agnostic: now, everyone knows that when you spill egg nog, that it will make things sticky, but that's not what this is about -- unless you are floor-agnostic and just don't care about your new Italian tiles at all. Or, for instance, a program -- a program that doesn't care about the platform it runs on -- then you might be platform agnostic. But, using this word in a society that fears all other religions than their own, and fears those crazy people who believe that God is inherently unknowable due to the nature of subjective experience, is just plain stupid. Steer away from these rumble-causing words.
  • organic: take the organs from 2 failed programs, preferably ones from the 90's that were spawned solely by the word synergy but didn't have a prayer(oops) of success, add a big handful of cheese, wrap the whole thing in not one, but two tortilla shells and deep-fry it until it decomposes, and you have a new, organic approach. Be sure to bury the stuff spoils.

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